Plan Comparison

A Medicare Supplement plan, otherwise known as Medigap coverage, from MHI will help pay for many costs not covered by Medicare. Because people have different needs, circumstances, expectations and budgets, MHI offers eight different plans. Each one has varying levels of supplemental coverage.

The supplement plan will pay Plan A Plan B Plan C Plan D Plan F Plan G Plan M Plan N
Deductible for inpatient hospitalization ($1,556 in 2022) check check check check check check check
Deductible for doctors' services, outpatient care, and many other medical services and supplies ($233 in 2022) check check
Coinsurance for hospitalization (inpatient) for up to 365 days after Medicare benefits end check check check check check check check check
Coinsurance for skilled nursing facilities for days 21-100 (Medicare pays all amounts for first 20 days) check check check check check check
Coinsurance for doctors' services, outpatient care, and many other medical services and supplies check check check check check check check check
Amounts charged by doctors who do not accept Medicare assigned amounts, but who charge more than Medicare-approved amounts check check
Foreign travel emergency services (80% of amount billed after a $250 deductible) check check check check check check
Up to 3 pints of blood per year check check check check check check check check
Coinsurance for hospice care check check check check check check check check

Plan Comparison

See for more details about specific conditions and requirements for this coverage.

Plans F and G also have a high deductible option, which require first paying a plan deductible of $3,310 before the plan begins to pay. Once the plan deductible is met, the plan pays 100% of covered services for the rest of the calendar year. High deductible plan G does not cover the Medicare Part B deductible. However, high deductible plans F and G count your payment of the Medicare Part B deductible toward meeting the plan deductible.
  • Insured by Members Health Insurance Company, Columbia, TN.
  • Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. or state government.
  • This is a solicitation of insurance. A representative of Members Health Insurance Company may contact you.
  • Benefits not provided for expenses incurred while coverage under the group policy/certificate is not in force, expenses payable by Medicare, non- Medicare eligible expenses or any Medicare deductible or copayment/coinsurance or other expenses not covered under the group policy/certificate.
  • Insured by Members Health Insurance Company, Columbia, TN.
  • Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. or state government.
  • This is a solicitation of insurance. A representative of Members Health Insurance Company may contact you.
  • Benefits not provided for expenses incurred while coverage under the certificate is not in force, expenses payable by Medicare, non- Medicare eligible expenses or any Medicare deductible or copayment/coinsurance or other expenses not covered under the certificate.