MHI – Q: What Is The Medicare General Enrollment Period (GEP)?

Posted by MedEd at MHI

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Part-D and Medicare Advantage plans will no longer be offered in 2025

A: Think of it as your chance to do what you should have done during your Initial Enrollment Period. You can sign up for Part A and Part B during the annual General Enrollment Period (GEP) if you did not take care of that when you first became eligible for Medicare.

The GEP occurs every year between January 1st – March 31st. Enrollment requests submitted during this time become effective on July 1. Since both Part A and Part B are required to purchase Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans, you will not be able to purchase either one until July 1st.

To make matters worse, you’ll be charged a 10 percent late enrollment penalty for each 12-month period you delayed signing up for Part B. The penalty continues as long as you remain on Medicare.
In this instance, time really is money, isn’t it?

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Why purchase a Medicare Supplement plan?

Learn more about purchasing a medicare supplement plan here!
  • Insured by Members Health Insurance Company, Columbia, TN.
  • Not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. or state government.
  • This is a solicitation of insurance. A representative of Members Health Insurance Company may contact you.
  • Benefits not provided for expenses incurred while coverage under the group policy/certificate is not in force, expenses payable by Medicare, non- Medicare eligible expenses or any Medicare deductible or copayment/coinsurance or other expenses not covered under the group policy/certificate.